Simple yet powerful reminder about the worldly life and Akhira.

“A man came to the Prophet (sa)
and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Guide me to such an action that when I do
it, Allah will love me and the people will also love me.’ He (sa) said, ‘Be detached from this world and then
Allah will love you, and do not be attached to what people have and
then people will love you.’” (Ibn Majah; Kitab az-Zuhd)
This Hadeeth
shows that Allah (swt) loves those, who live simply in this
life. It has been said that if having love for Allah (swt) is the best state to be
in, then living simply is the best condition to be in.
Living simply
means that you should restrain your desire for worldly things in the hope of
receiving something better instead. In order to achieve this more easily, you
should first realize that the things, which people yearn for in this world, are,
in fact, worthless when compared with what we hope for in the next
If we know that what Allah (swt) has will remain and that the life to
come is better and more lasting, then we realize that the life of
this world is really like a piece of ice left out in the sun – it
soon melts and vanishes. The Akhira, however, never vanishes. The
desire one has to exchange this life for the one to come is strengthened
by the certainty that there is no comparison between this life and
the next.
Allah (swt) says: “Yes, you prefer the life of
this world, but the next world is better and more lasting.” (Al-A’la, 16-17)